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Pro CFM anemometer USB data wind flow meter

Part No:ANEM-HP-856A

Multifunction Anemometer Pro 156/5000 Functions with Wind Speed, Temperature, Wind Flow, Data Hold, Recording: 600 groups, Selection /, Measurement of wind speed in 5 units: m / s, km / h , feet / minute, knots, mph.

Cup anemometer air velocity meter wind direction

Par No: ANEM-AM4836C

* Wide applications: use to check air conditioning & heating systems , measure air velocity, wind speed, direction, temperature, etc.

6 in 1 Portable anemometer USB wind speed meter back light

Product Code: ANEM-HP-866A

Compared with our 866B anemometer, this new 866A anemometer provide a more convenient USB Port


Durable digital anemometer handheld wind meter knots

Conventional twisted vane arms, always a source of unreliability has been eliminated.
DATA HOLD function for storing the desired value on display to read.; LCD display for low power